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Jason Grace

Gender : Male


Godly Parent : Jupiter (father)

Mortal Parent(s) : Beryl Grace (mother) - Deceased

Sibling(s) : Thalia Grace (sister)

Jason is a very serious young man with a moderate sense of humor. He also has a strong sense of honor and justice as shown by his great compassion. He greatly cares for his friends and family willing to risk his life to protect or help them.


Though a natural leader, Jason can be plagued by doubt and criticizes himself whenever he makes an error. There are notable similarities between Jason and Percy Jackson such as: their strong senses of justice and fairness, their loyalty to their friends, and the fact that they're both natural leaders.


When on board the Argo II, Jason comments that he has never been surrounded by equals before, as most of the time people look up to him because he is a child of Jupiter. Jason is also very accepting of others, since, unlike many others, he felt no contempt or prejudice towards Nico, even after finding out that he was homosexual.


Jason even offered Nico his friendship and support, and encourages him to take a risk and come out. 


Jason is also very confident in his abilities. After he and Percy were possessed by the Eidolons and fought each other, Jason commented that he was worried that he could have killed Percy, instead of Percy possibly killing him.


He also chooses to face Lityerses in combat instead of being turned to gold by Midas. Jason was even ready to face the Giant King Porphyrion, even though he knew he could not win. 

Demigod Abilities


  • Aerokinesis: As a son of Jupiter, he can control and manipulate the air.

  1. He can control, and generate very powerful winds and air currents

  2. He can ride air currents, making him fly.

  3. He could see a path in the air

  4. He is able to dominate the will of more chaotic Venti

  5. He can generate ropes of wind, "more tightly wound than any tornado"  

  • Atmokinesis: As a son of Jupiter, he can control the weather.

  1. He can generate fierce storms.

  2. He can summon lightning bolts from the sky.

  • Electrokinesis: As a son of Jupiter, he can control lightning and electricity.

  1. He is completely immune to electricity

  2. Like his sister, he can generate huge bolts and arcs of static electricity.

  3. He can send strong electrical shocks through others on contact.

  4. He can summon lightning bolts from the sky, though the effort drains him.

Magical Items


  • Ivlivs: A coin made of Imperial Gold. It turns into a golden sword on heads and a golden javelin on tails when flipped. 

  • Gladius: Juno, the Roman form of Hera and Jason's patron, gives this to him at the end, so that he has a proper weapon. It is a Roman Gladius made of Imperial Gold.

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