Camp Half-Blood is a Greek demigod training facility located on the Long Island Sound, directed by Dionysus, who the campers call "Mr. D". It is also the Greek counterpart of Camp Jupiter, a Roman camp in San Francisco, California. But now Roman demigods also reside in this place. This is not just shelter anymore but also a place to learn and train for future heroes.
Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141
Long Island, New York 11954
The camp is in Montauk, at the end of the Long Island. The Camp is located on the North Shore of Long Island, referenced many times in the books, while Montauk is located on the South Shore. This makes the camp's true location uncertain. The part of Long Island beach that the camp is invisible to mortals, except the ones who can see through the Mist. Monsters and mortals can not enter, unless permitted from the inside. The address, 3.141, is believed to have originated from the number pi, which is named after the Greek letter. The main entrance of the camp is through Half-Blood Hill,

Zeus is the Greek god of honor, justice, lightning, rain and the skies. He is the King of Olympus, the son of the Titans Kronos and Rhea, and the husband of the goddess Hera. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter.

Hera is the Greek goddess of familial love, marriage, motherhood, and women. She is the elder sister and wife of Zeus, therefore making her Queen of Olympus. She is one of the daughters of Rhea and Kronos. Her Roman counterpart is Juno.

Poseidon is the Greek god of destruction, earthquakes, horses, hurricanes, oceans, seas, droughts, floods and storms. He is the son of the Titans, Kronos and Rhea, as well as one of the Big Three. His Roman counterpart is Neptune.

Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest and agriculture, who presided over grains, the fertility of the earth, the seasons, and the harvest. Demeter's Romancounterpart is Ceres.

Ares is the Greek god of war. His symbols include the boar, dog, wolf, spear, sword, and vulture. His Roman counterpart is Mars.

Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, useful arts, and battle strategy. She is the daughter of Zeusand Metis, and her symbols include the owl, Aegis, the olive tree, and the snake. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva.

Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, light, healing, music, poetry, archery, reason and prophecy. He is the twin brother of the goddess Artemis. He is depicted as the god who drives the sun around in his chariot, a job he received when the original sun god, Helios, faded due to him being downsizedby the Romans. He and his sister, Artemis, are known as theTwin Archers.

Artemis is the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt, the Moon, chastity, animals, and the wilderness. She and her twin brother Apollo are known as the "Twin Archers." Artemis' handmaidens are known as theHunters of Artemis, a group of young women that have turned their back from the company of men and have pledged themselves to the goddess. HerRoman counterpart is Diana.

Hephaestus is the Greek god of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, volcanoes, and blacksmiths. His symbols are the ax, an anvil, a pair of tongs, hammer, and fire. His Roman counterpart is Vulcan.

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of beauty, love, lust, desire, sexuality, and pleasure. Her Roman counterpart is Venus.

Hermes is the Greek god of roads, speed, messengers, commerce, travel, thieves, merchants, athletes, and mail deliverers. His Roman counterpart is Mercury. His symbol is the Caduceus.

Dionysus is the Greek god of grape-harvest, wine, madness, parties, and ecstasy as well as theater. He is also known as Mr. D, the camp director of Camp Half-Blood. He was placed as the director by his father Zeus as punishment for chasing after an off-limits nymph. After the decree that Olympus would be closed and that gods would have no contact with their demigod child, he was recalled to Olympus. His Roman counterpart is Bacchus.

Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld, wealth, and the Lord of the Dead. One of the Big Three gods, his wife isPersephone. Hades' Roman counterpart is Pluto.

Iris is the goddess of the Rainbow. She delivers Iris Messages for gods, goddesses, and if asked nicely, and she's not too busy, for demigods. Interestingly, her affiliation is unknown, as she has been known to deliver messages for both gods, demigods, and Titans. It is possible that she was neutral in the Second Titan War because she was too busy carrying messages, as she wasn't among the many minor gods and goddesses who had switched over to Kronos' side. Her Roman counterpart is Arcus.

Hypnos (meaning "sleep") is the Greek god of sleep. He is the son of Nyx and Erebus. His Roman counterpart isSomnus. Hypnos is where the words "hypnotism" and "hypnosis" are derived from. Somnus is where the medical term for sleepwalking, somnambulism, is derived from. Hypnos was very cheeky and mischievous as a child, putting people to sleep at serious moments.

Nemesis is the Greek goddess of balance, justice, retribution, and vengeance. Her Roman counterpart is also called Nemesis for revenge does not change from Greek to Roman myths, as revenge is universal, though she may also be equated with Invidia.

Nike is the Greek goddess of Victory and is described as the daughter of the Titans Pallas and Styx as well as the sister of Kratos (Power), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal). She assumes the role of the divine Charioteer, a role in which she is often portrayed in Classical Greek art. Her Roman counterpart is Victoria, which is Latin for "victory".

Hebe is the Greek goddess of youth. She was also the former cupbearer of the gods. Her Roman counterpart is Juventas.

Tyche is the Greek goddess of luck and chance, whose Roman counterpart is Fortuna. She was sometimes regarded as a fourth Fate, but not legitimately so. She is commonly represented with the Cornucopia and the wheel of chance.

Hecate is the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria. She is the Greek goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, and necromancy. Her Roman counterpart is Trivia.
Due to Hestia and Hades' lack of thrones on Olympus, neither had cabins. In addition, after reforms made byPercy Jackson in The Last Olympian, cabins for Hades, Hecate, Nemesis, Iris, Hebe, Nike, Tyche, Hypnos, and many other minor gods were constructed. There are now a total of 20 cabins. Where the first 12 made a U shape with the addition of 8 more cabins it now makes an omega shape. It is said that they are still making cabins for the other gods and goddesses.
It should be noted that Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, has a fire pit in the mess hall. Percy sees the goddess on his first day at camp, but does not really notice her as he thought she was a nymph.
Cabins on the left side are odd numbers and cabins on the right side are even numbers (male odd & female even- Dionysus #12 would be a female cabin, but Hestia gave her throne up for him.).
The cabins are in order from where their parent sits on the Olympian council.
In the movie version, none of the cabins are in the same position or same form.

![]() ZEUS' CABINZeus' Cabin (#1) is described as a marble building looking like a mausoleum, with heavy columns. The big bronze double doors are polished in such a way to provide a 'holographic' effect of lightning bolts passing across. It also thunders all the time. Inside: the dome-shaped ceiling is decorated with moving mosaics of a cloudy sky and thunder bolts. A statue of Zeus in a traditional Greek chiton is centered in the room. It has alcoves with golden eagle statues. | ![]() HERA'S CABINHera's Cabin (#2) is a marble, formal-looking building, graceful with slim columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. It is done in a similar way to her husband, Zeus' cabin. However, Hera's cabin is more graceful, having slimmer columns with pomegranates and flowers around them. The walls also have images of peacocks carved on them, as well as the doors. Inside: like a temple with a large statue of Hera in the center. There is no furniture inside due to no one will ever stay. | ![]() POSEIDON'S CABINPoseidon's Cabin (#3) is a long, low building with windows facing the ocean. The cabin is made from rough sea stone, pieces of coral and seashell embedded into the outside walls, and a trident with a big bronze number 3 over the door. There is always a good sea breeze blowing through it. Inside: The walls are made of abalone. There are six neat bunk beds with silk sheets and a salt water fountain given to Percy. There is also a sort of mobile of hippocampi or "fish-ponies" as Tyson calls them. |
![]() DEMETER'S CABINDemeter's Cabin (#4) is covered in flowers and tomato plants grow on the walls and doorway. Wild flowers and roses grow on the porch. It has a real grass roof. The cabin is colored a light shade of brown. | ![]() ARES' CABINAres' Cabin (#5) is badly painted red and has a large boar's head over the door with barbed wire on the roof. Annabeth mentioned it did have land mines, but she might have been joking. Rock music is constantly blaring from it. | ![]() ATHENA'S CABINAthena's Cabin (#6) is a gray building with plain white curtains and a design of an owl over the door. Inside: most of the space is devoted to maps, desks, various projects and weapons, with all the bunks shoved together against one wall, "as if sleep was not important". |
![]() APOLLO'S CABINApollo's Cabin (#7) is made of solid gold and made to glow during the daytime - it's hard to tell if the gold is reflecting light or generating it. | ![]() ARTEMIS' CABINArtemis' Cabin (#8) is an all silver building with silver curtains, similar to the outfit of the Hunters. It also glows silver during night time as if reflecting the moon, but looks like a normal cabin in the day. It is decorated with paintings and carvings of wild animals, mostly the stag. Because Artemis doesn't have children of her own and the cabin is honorary; however it is used by the Hunters when they visit camp. | ![]() HEPHAESTUS' CABINHephaestus' Cabin (#9) looks like a small factory, with brick walls and smokestacks like the forges and lots of gears around the entrance. Inside: Folded steel bunks against the walls to be like "high-tech Murphy beds". Each bed has a digital control panel, blinking LED lights, glowing gems, and interlocking gears. It has shiny metal walls and metal slated doors. It is noted for being unclean and messy, filled with junk most of the time. A fire pole comes down from the second floor. |
![]() APHRODITE'S CABINAphrodite's Cabin (#10) is a wooden cabin with a painted blue roof, pillars, checkerboard deck with steps and gray walls. It also smells heavily of designer perfume. Inside: It is described as a life-size dollhouse with pink walls and white window trim. The lace curtains are pastel blue and green which matched the sheets and feather comforters on all the beds. The guys had one row of bunks separated by a curtain, but their section of the cabin was just as neat and orderly as the girls'. | ![]() HERMES' CABINHermes' Cabin (#11) has peeling brown paint and a caduceus over the door. It is probably in such bad shape because it was so over-populated. Once more demigods started getting claimed and the minor gods' cabins were built, space conditions improved. | ![]() DIONYSUS' CABINDionysus' Cabin (#12) has its roof and walls lined with grape vines. |
![]() HADES' CABINHades' Cabin (#13) is a windowless cabin made of solid obsidian, with heavy columns and torches that burn green like Greek fire twenty-four hours a day and has a skull over the door. It has beds that resemble coffins, with mahogany frames, brass railings, and bloodred blankets and pillows. According to Nico, "Apparently somebody thought that the children of Hades were vampires, not demigods." | ![]() IRIS' CABINIris' Cabin (#14) The children of Iris stay here. | ![]() HYPNOS' CABINHypnos' Cabin (#15) is described as an old-fashioned prairie house. It hash roof, with red poppies over the door entrance. Inside: soft violin music plays, warm beds with soft feather pillows, and a branch from a poplar tree dipped in water from the River Lethe (the symbol of Hypnos ). |
![]() NEMESIS' CABINNemesis' Cabin (#16) The children of Nemesis stay here. All we know about the cabin is that there is a broken wheel above the door that resembles Pac-Man. | ![]() NIKE'S CABINThe children of Nike stay here. | ![]() HEBE'S CABINThe children of Hebe stay here. |
![]() TYCHE'S CABINis where Tyche's children reside. | ![]() HECATE'S CABINHecate's Cabin (#20) looks normal but is built from blocks of stone with magic inscriptions written on them. If the blocks are dropped, they could explode or turn anyone within half a mile radius into trees. |