Gender : Female
Godly Parent(s) : Hecate
Mortal Parent(s) : -unknown-
Sibling(s) : Circe, Lamia, Naomi, Alabaster Torrington, Hecate's Cabin members (maternal half-siblings)
friendly, cute, hyper
Demigod Abilities
Mystiokinesis: As a daughter of Hecate, she can cast and control magic
Mist Control: As a daughter of Hecate, she can control the Mist. This ability means she can alter mortals' memories and perceptions, also she can use it to summon a 'Mistform'.
She can create illusions.
She can create false memories.
She can make monsters invisible or have them be seen as something else.
She can hide locations.
She can summon Mistforms.
She can disguise people.
Magical Item
Pig Bomb: When defending the camp from the legion, Lou Ellen uses a pig bomb to turn legionnaires into piglets. When she changes the piglets back, she does so grudgingly