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Will Solace

Gender : Male


Godly Parent : Apollo


Mortal Parent(s) : -unknown-

Sibling(s) : Apollo Cabin members (paternal half-siblings)

Will is unaggressive kid.


He has a laidback personality and he's brave too.


For that he built a wall around his feelings and put it up to look strong for his siblings.


He tries really hard to look fine but the only thing that give him away his lack of smiles and good mood.

Demigod Abilities


  • As the son of Apollo, he is a naturally talented archer, his skills only rivaled by the Hunters.


  • Vitakinesis: Will can heal people by singing a hymn to his father in Ancient Greek.


  • Since Apollo is god of music, Will is a natural musician.


  • Will can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off.


  • Will is skilled in physical contests and games.


  • Audiokinesis: Will can make a sharp whistle-like sound that can temporarily stun his opponents.

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